In an unexpected turn of events, Kwaku Owiredu Sarpong, an aspirant in the upcoming New Patriotic Party’s parliamentary primaries, has officially withdrawn his candidacy from the race scheduled for January 27, 2024, in the Fanteakwa South constituency.
Sarpong revealed that arriving at this decision was a challenging process that involved considerable time and thoughtful consideration. His withdrawal comes after extensive consultations with family, team members, constituents, well-wishers, and supporters. He emphasized that personal reflection, coupled with various considerations for the New Patriotic Party’s success in the 2024 Fanteakwa South Constituency and the overarching ‘Breaking the Eight’ Presidential elections, influenced his choice.
Expressing his sincere apologies to those who had placed their hope in his leadership and vision, Sarpong pledged his unwavering support to the New Patriotic Party. He extended special gratitude to donors who had financially and materially supported his campaign, assuring them that all resources would be returned to the constituency through the Ageorgia Foundation for party activities and humanitarian aid.
Above all, Sarpong committed his loyalty to the New Patriotic Party and promised complete support to the candidate who emerges victorious in the contest, aiming for a historic triumph in the 2024 general elections.
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